How to strand your hair and twist it to get a new hair-do?

It can be quite boring to wear your hair the same way everyday. But going to a professional to change your hair style every time you get bored of it can be quite a time taking and expensive thing. If you are looking for some simple and simply great hair-do then you ought to know how to strand your hair and twist it together to get a new and funky look. Strand and twist can be an alternative to braiding your hair into plaits.

So, the question is how to strand your hair and twist it into a new hair style. All you need for this is some time, a little water, a wide toothed hair comb and plenty of hair clips. Before you try and change the style of your hair it is better to shampoo your hair and towel dry it. Don’t use a dryer as slightly damp hair is more manageable.

Now part you hair horizontally at the nape and tie the upper part with a hair clip. Divide the lower par of you hair into a number of strands and twist two adjacent ones together. Now all you need to do is to secure the ends with some hair clips and your new hair style is all ready. You can make it better with a bit of hair serum!